Worldwide patent and trademark services
NAIP advantage and service structure

Our patent engineering team

NAIP has a strong patent engineer team. Our engineers are high-performers with a wide range of specialisms, recruited from the best universities and a range of industries. On being recruited they are put through a patent drafting training program of around three years. Department heads review every patent specification, Office action analysis and response drafted by our patent engineers, in order to guarantee the quality of their work in terms of both technical detail and writing style. The NAIP engineering team, therefore, has gained a broad understanding of the technical features of inventions across a range of industrial fields, allowing them to provide our clients with comprehensive patent protection.

Patent Workflow

NAIP's administration team has adopted a dual mechanism to ensure quality and efficiency in our patent workflow, by requiring cases entrusted to us to go through several quality checks. First, patent workflow management is double-checked by department heads, to correct any technical mistakes in the subject matter. The second level of protection involves each of the departments in the workflow chain checking the material in terms of accuracy and with regard to any pending deadlines. Although all cases go through this dual mechanism, support from our comprehensive automated systems allows NAIP to expedite certain urgent cases on request from clients to meet a desired application date.

Tracking of Regulatory Changes Worldwide

NAIP has an in-house legal research team, which is constantly monitoring changes in patent and trademark regulations worldwide, in order to research responsive strategies for the patent management and engineering departments, as well as providing in-house classes and training. They also provide up-to-date information for clients regarding these changes, to ensure that clients have adequate time to make adjustments in their internal patent and trademark management strategy.

Automated Management Systems

NAIP began to develop a series of automated patent and trademark management systems in 1999.

  • Our team converts specific client needs and the regulations for patent prosecution and patent drafting in the country in question into a structured data file and enters it into our system. On receipt of the data, the system automatically provides our service personnel with information, such as the official deadlines for the case, which item of the prosecution process has already passed its deadline, what processes are required for each kind of case and each application stage, which forms must be included with each patent application and the procedure for the following stage of the process.
  • We have developed a patent drafting template which checks patent drafts and makes interactive revisions, as well as ensuring the draft meets the standards of the country of application. This lowers the chance that amendments will be required, thereby cutting down on client costs, as well as accelerating the grant of the patent.
  • NAIP's IT team has developed an e-filing system of patent/trademark new applications for Taiwan and US as well as an EPC e-filing packet to increase accuracy and efficiency. This means clients can get an application number immediately, as well as enjoying a discount on official filing fees.
  • We have developed a mechanism to automatically download data from the US PAIR system. This data is then compared against NAIP's database to provide 24/7 monitoring of the progress of USPTO cases.
  • We have developed the USPTO eOA Viewer tool, which allows us to receive OA-related data immediately, giving us more time to prepare responses. This tool also allows for USPTO citations to be downloaded into our internal image file database where it can be referenced by clients and our patent management team.

Global Network of Partners

In order to provide our clients with worldwide patent protection services, NAIP only works with global partner agencies with a sound operation record, a patent engineer team with comprehensive technical fields, meticulous administrative procedures, and legal consultation services for patent and trademark regulations that are provided at a reasonable price. NAIP has also established an SOP for working with our global partner agencies, to ensure that both parties can apply the same strict SOP to provide NAIP clients with a full range of quality professional services.

Patent Prosecution Services

  • Telephone Interviews with Examiners
  • Prior Art Search
  • Patent Specification Drafting / Response
  • Office Action Analysis / Response
  • Changes / Correction (Patent Holder Info, Inventor Info etc.)
  • Assignment
  • Accelerated Examination
  • Amendments / Administrative Remedy
  • Issue
  • Consulting
United States
  • Telephone Interviews with Examiners
  • Prior Art Search
  • Patent Specification Drafting / Response
  • Office Action Analysis / Response
  • Information Disclosure Statement
  • Changes / Correction (Patent Holder Info, Inventor Info etc.)
  • Assignment
  • Prioritized Examination
  • Accelerated Examination
  • Amendments
  • Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
  • Administrative Appeal Request
  • Issue
  • Consulting
  • Prior Art Search
  • Patent Specification Drafting / Response
  • Office Action Analysis / Response
  • Consulting
European Patent
  • Prior Art Search
  • Patent Specification Drafting / Response
  • Office Action Analysis / Response

Experienced Patent Agents & Attorneys for US and Taiwan Filings

North America Intellectual Property Corporation (NAIP) has a team of experienced patent and trademark attorneys. Each attorney and agent has experience in the field of patents, as well as on-the-ground industry experience in their own field. They excel at drafting specifications and claims for clients, as well as Office action analysis and responses, and identification of infringement. In addition, they also engage in telephone interviews with IPO examiners on behalf of their clients in order to increase the chances of a patent being granted.

New Patent Applications for Taiwan and the US,Taiwan:16,660 Applications/USA:18,070 Applications (Collated data from founding of company up to Jun. 30, 2017)

Secure and Stable e-Commerce Service Platform

NAIP has built the e-Services, to provide clients with IP cloud services. In order to ensure that our clients can access all data related to their application securely and conveniently, PVIGO is protected by several layers of security and uses an access control matrix to ensure that users can only access data relating to their own application. PVIGO also allows users to set a customized layout to view patent data, monitor their application progress and billing information, as well as view image files of the patent application and of official correspondence from the patent office. PVIGO also allows customers to pay renewal fees for both patents and trademarks online, as well as access the list of official fees for each country and related legal information.

PVIGO Services

Patent Renewals North America Intellectual Property Corp. (NAIP), with professional patent knowledge and process control expertise accumulated for over 20 years, will provide you with a world-wide renewals payment and management service. Meanwhile, to enhance the effectiveness of patent renewals management, NAIP has developed an E-Manage System providing renewals online entrusting and ordering.
Patent Docket NAIP PVIGO team knows exactly what your need. We integrate patent info, status, and image file into “Patent Docket”, for you to look up them at anytime, anyplace.
Trademark Watch The "Global Trademark Watch Service" launched by NAIP not only will help you understand the trademark layout of competitors, but also will monitor similar trademarks suspected of infringement in the market, so that you can prevent others from illegally registering trademarks as early as possible, and obtain professional suggestions of countermeasures to protect your trademark rights and interests.
Trademark Services Trademarks are indispensable tools for business branding, advertising and marketing. By registering your trademarks, you can obtain exclusive rights and help your clients easily identify the unique symbols, like words or images, that represent your goods and/or services.
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